Easter Wednesday

  • Usual morning routine: newspaper, email, and task planning at home with tea and a muffin, Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Left a message on the home answering machine of (transitional) Deacon Jeff Kozuszek (in charge at St Thomas', Salem), who is dealing with a flooded basement and a leaky roof in the wake of recent torrential rains. 
  • Monitored messages from Frs Dick Swan and Gene Tucker regarding the status of Redeemer, Cairo, which is at imminent risk of being flooded by the waters of the Ohio River as it flirts with overflowing its levee.
  • Dashed off a letter to the Bishop of Upper South Carolina asking him to continue to license Fr Daniel Karanja, one of our priests who serves as a military chaplain in that area.
  • Met with David Taylor, formerly a priest of the diocese who voluntarily renounced his orders in TEC in order to join the Orthodox Church in America. David now wishes to rescind his renunciation and return to ministry in the Episcopal Church. I shall assist him in doing so.
  • Refined my homily for this Sunday (St John's Chapel, Champaign).
  • Lunch at home.
  • Lengthy phone consultation regarding my ongoing work on a special project on behalf of the Nashotah House board.
  • Sundry incoming phone calls, as well as brief conversations with the Archdeacon and the Diocesan Administrator. We seem to be constantly running into one another's offices for one thing or another. (I'm not complaining; I love our working relationship.)
  • Worked further on the program for my "welcoming and seating" at the cathedral on May 15. This sort of thing (the planning, that is, not the event itself) is always more time-consuming than I imagine it will be. I had to make myself break it off at 6pm and go home.


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