Holy Saturday ... Easter Eve

  • Leisurely morning ... brisk long walk around Washington Park ... surfed the 'net reading seasonal miscallany, encountering some fine Holy Saturday poetry ... hosuehold chores.
  • Took care of some personal planning tasks relative to continuing to connect authentically with the clergy of the diocese.
  • Reviewed, with Brenda, the proofs from the portrait session following my consecration. Made some decisions and communicated them to the photographer. Hope to have 3-5 choices available soon to those who are interested.
  • Headed downtown to the cathedral about 6:30 in order to get ready for the 8pm Great Vigil of Easter.
  • The liturgy was performed in spirit and in truth. Deacon Marth Bradley sang the Exultet in truly exemplary fashion. Got to baptize little Camdyn Walsh Hammer, who is too young to give consent, but he certainly voiced no objections--no demons to come out of that kid when the water hit his head! And we had a fine trumpet player to add some extra joy to our singing.


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