• Task organization (a veritable mountain!) at home over tea and breakfast.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon over diverse matters, including my visit last Sunday to St Michael's, O'Fallon. Prepped with the Treasurer for the upcoming meeting of the diocesan trustees.
  • Met with the trustees and representatives of Bush O'Donnell, our asset mangament firm in St Louis.
  • Cleared desk of accumulated correspondence and other detritus.
  • Lunch at home, then voted in Iliinois for the first time.
  • Worked on a Nashotah House-related project.
  • Talked by phone with a potential interim priest-in-charge for St Michael's, O'Fallon. Then talked with the Bishop's Warden at St Michael's about that particular priest.
  • Met with the Dean and Verger of the cathedral to discuss the liturgies of the Paschal Triduum.
  • Drove to another city in the diocese for three and a half hours of meetings with the vestry of the parish there, in three groups of three. There is some tension in their relationship with their rector, and I have been asked to intervene. There is pretty much guaranteed heartbreak in this situation.
  • Arrived home at around 10:45. A long day.


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