Visitation of the BVM (Tuesday)

  • Task planning at home
  • Morning Prayer in the car (memorized "short form").
  • First day in office since the 19th. Debriefed with the Archdeacon and Diocesan Administrator over sundry items that surfaced during the time I was away.
  • Processed the pile of paper that had accumulated on my desk. This is a normal Tuesday chore, but, due to recent travel, it's been a couple of weeks, so it took longer.
  • Worked on some birthday and annivesary cards to clergy and spouses.
  • Since this is a major holy day, I attended the 12:15pm Mass in the cathedral chapel. 
  • Drive-through lunch, then a haircut and a couple of errands.
  • Along with the Archdeacon and the Treasurer, met with a CPA whom we will be engaging to perform a financial audit of one of our congregations. 
  • Took a reference-check phone call regarding one of our priests who is being considered for a position in another diocese.
  • Worked on more "milestone event" cards. 
  • Evening Prayer in the office. Home around 6:15.


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