
  • Newspaper and task planning over tea at and muffin at home, Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Responded to a semi-urgent email from a cleric in charge of one of our churches concerning an unexpected opportunity to acquire some adjacent property. (Discussed the matter with the Archdeacon, of course.)
  • Debriefed Archdeacon Denney on his trip to Paris ... Paris, Illinois, that is ... yesterday. St Andrew's is another congregation at a challenging point in its life cycle.
  • Conceived and laid down the broad strikes of a sermon for Easter VII--June 5, at St John's, Centralia.
  • Worked with the Diocesan Administrator to enable her to see my Google calendars, and edit them when appropriate.
  • Lunch at home
  • Took a call from the the Executive Director of a quasi-independent but Episcopal Church-related publishing company inviting me to accept a three-year term on their board. Who can resist an opportunity to go to Cincinatti twice a year, eh?
  • Resumed my conversation with Fr Denney regarding St Andrew's, Paris. Took steps toward developing an action plan. (Really. I'm not just saying that.)
  • Spent some time perusing the big binder that contains all the information that host parishes need when they are preparing to host the annual Synod of the diocese. In time, it may deserve some tweaking. But not just yet.
  • Conferred with the Archdeacon on the list of names we are sending to the search committee of Trinity, Lincoln. 
  • Off to Pekin around 3:30, where I met with Fr Brian and Deacon Laurie Kellington, had supper with some folks from St Paul's, and a few from All Saints in Morton, and then spoke to them on "Praying With Integrity: Integrating Private Prayer and Public Worship." Since it's hard for a bishop to have a regular teaching gig, I appreciate invitations to do this sort of thing.


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