
  • Usual morning routine (which now includes reading the morning paper al fresco on the front porch); Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Mutually debriefed on sundry topics with the Archdeacon.
  • Responded to an unexpected flurry of emails that were semi-urgent (or time-sensitive, at any rate) in nature.
  • Further developed the homily for June 26 that was conceived yesterday.
  • Reviewed proofs (with Shawn+ and Sue) and made decisions for the official portrait of the XI Bishop of Springfield. The plan is for about a half-dozen options to be available for purchase from a website that will soon be announced.
  • Lunch (late and longish) with two Anglican (and Episcopalian) Benedictine brothers--same community, though one lives in Chicago and one (the prior) lives in Australia. 
  • Processed some more emails. It's been a little fast and furious in that department this week.
  • Wrote a letter to the Dean and Chapter of the cathedral requesting their concurrence in my naming two priests as honorary canons.
  • To the cathedral for some time in lectio divina (on Psalm 91) and Evening Prayer.
  • Home for another before-dinner four miles on foot.


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