Tuesday (St Irenaeus)

  • Task planning, email processing, and Morning Prayer at home.
  • Usual Tuesday desk-clearing and catch-up chores in the office.
  • Consulted by phone with the Parish Warden of St James', McCleansboro regarding some of the details of the in-progress winding down leading up to the August 27 final service.
  •  Conceived, hatched, and put some flesh on the bones for this Sunday's homily. There was an unexpected vacancy in my visitation schedule, so I asked the cathedral to put me to work. Somewhat to my surprise, I discovered that I have apparently never preached on Year A, Proper 9, as, most years, I've been on vacation around this time. So I couldn't even use any old material to prime the pump; this one will be entirely new. 
  • Accompanied the Archdeacon to Illinois National Bank to have a document notarized. We took the opportunity to examine the contents of the diocese's safe deposit box, and admired some of the "bling" (rings, pectoral crosses, and the like) left by some of my predecessors.
  • Since I have a couch and a chair for my office arriving later this week, it seemed about time to get my framed documents, icons, photographs, and artwork up off the floor and on to the walls. This entailed playing with some man-toys: a power drill loaded with a masonry bit, and a power screw driver to take care of the masonry screws I bought yesterday in anticipation of this job. I would say it looks fairly decent; the place is taking shape nicely.


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