
  • Said goodbye to Jordan and Angela as they headed home to Chicago about the same time I left for Diocesan House.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Scanned and round-filed the usual week's worth of accumulated paper on my desk (actually, my credenza). This has now become a routine Tuesday chore.
  • Met with the Department of Finance to discussed the proposed 2012 diocesan budget. We agreed on a draft that will be presented to Council in August, which has the opportunity to make changes before sending it to Synod for final approval in October.
  • Met with Deacon Dr Tom Langford in his role as Chair of the Commission on Ministry and Dean of the Springfield School for Ministry.
  • Lunch at home. At while watching the runup to the announcement of the verdict in the Casey Anthony trial. Lingered in my car for about five minutes after returning to the office in order to hear it read.
  • First reading of five theological/historical essays that were submitted to a contest for which I have agreed to serve as a judge. Closer reading and evaluation/ranking yet to come.
  • Battened down the hatches on this Sunday's homily at St Paul's, Alton.
  • Evening Prayer in the office. (Church too hot.)


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