
  • Task planning at home--always a big deal on Tuesday, which is the beginning of my work week, and I like to organize my tasks by what needs to get done, or would be nice to get done, "this week."
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Took care of a couple of emails to lay leaders in congregations that are currently in transition. There were some very specific questions to be addressed in both.
  • Spent the rest of the morning scanning documents and then tossing them, and in relation to a couple of them, dashing off an email or picking up the phone. Gave in to the urge to clean off my credenza as well, all of which helped create a full waste basket.
  • Lunch at home, then off for my first visit to a primary care physician since moving to Springfield. This was a baseline physical and "get acquainted" appointment. Of course, now I have a bunch of tests and labwork to look forward to.
  • Got back to the office to several phone calls that needed to be returned, all of which concerned matters of substance, so they consumed a good bit of time. 
  • Fleshed out and put the finishing touches on a sermon that I will get to deliver three times this weekend: Saturday night in Robinson, Sunday morning in Albion and Mount Carmel.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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