St Bartholomew (Wednesday)

  • Usual routine, Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Wrote a couple of letters of recommendation for a couple of diocesan clergy who are pursuing post-retirement or continuing education opportunities.
  • Began work on the sermons and talks I have agreed to give as part of an All Saints preaching mission in a Florida parish this fall. 
  • Put substantial meat on the bones of the homily I will give on September 4 at Trinity, Mt Vernon.
  • Met with Fr Dave Halt (rector of St Matthew's, Bloomington) regarding some D.Min. work he is doing.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Completed an application for a conference for new bishops sponsored and hosted by Canterbury Cathedral that I hope to attend this coming January.
  • Tied up some loose ends in the personal organization project I worked on last week, resulting in a much tidier "My Documents" folder on my laptop!
  • Traded several emails with individuals who are seeking to get on my calendar, or I on theirs. I continue to be astonished at the time this sort of mundane activity can consume.
  • Wrote a letter to my ELCA counterpart inviting him to come and greet our annual Synod in Belleville in October.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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