Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

Woke up in Effingham in time to arrive at St Laurence's Church to preside and preach at the liturgy of the day, at 8am. Joined by all four of the remaining members of the congregation, plus Fr Jim Fackler, their regular supply priest, and his wife. Had a lively and serious discussion with all of them after Mass. I came away much better informed about the town, the history of the Episcopal Church's presence there, and the prospects for the future. Two of those present are distant relatives of the legendary 19th century bishop Jackson Kemper (they still carry the family name), one of the true heroes of the Episcopal Church's expansion into the Midwest.

Once again, because of the early time of the service, I got back home at a reasonable hour, in time for the sort of nap that truly makes Sunday afternoon special, followed by a nice long and leisurely walk in Washington Park with Brenda.


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