Thursday (St Louis, King of France)

  • Walking the street by 6:45, my usual weekday/workday 2.5ish mile route.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Sundry administrative minutia.
  • Conceived and significantly gestated a sermon for September 11, when I will be at St Stephen's, Harrisburg, 
  • Lunch at home.
  • Met with Fr John Henry, Rector of St Paul's, Carlinville and Vicar of St Peter's, Chesterfield. 
  • Conferred with the Administrator at some length about the medical insurance program for diocesan clergy. It's mostly good news: Rate increases are generally low to modest.
  • Hand-wrote my personal greetings to clergy and spouses celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in September.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • In the evening, I delivered myself of a theological reflection from my vacation on my "regular" blog. If you're interested, look here.


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