Wednesday (St Aidan)

  • "Short form" walk (not quite three miles).
  • Morning Prayer at home.
  • Task planning and email responding in the office.
  • Took an incoming phone call from the Rector's Warden at one of our parishes in transition ... regarding, of course, issues related to their being in transition.
  • Picked up where I left off yesterday planning the Synod liturgy. I found myself curiously energized by this project, as I miss the regular crafting of liturgy that is part of a parish priest's routine.
  • Take-out tacos for lunch (from La Bamba "Burritos as Big as Your Head!").
  • Had an impromptu, but good and long, visit with Dean Brodie next door in the cathedral offices. We had not seen each other since before out respective vacations and there was a good bit to catch up on.
  • Responded to a request from the publishers of the Episcopal Church Annual (the "red book") for a pic and bio to go in their "new bishops" section.
  • Did the nuts-and-bolts drafting work on my homily for 11 September, when I will be at St Stephen's, Harrisburg.
  • Took an incoming phone call from the chair of the search committee of another of our parishes in transition regarding ... you guessed it ... issues related to their being in transition. (Both of these places are on the cusp, I believe, of some stability in clergy leadership--one on an interim basis, the other as a permanent call.)
  • Did preliminary spade work on the first of the homilies I will deliver as part of an All Saints preaching mission I have been invited to give at the Church of the Redeemer in Sarasota, Florida about two months from now.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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