
  • Usual AM routine. Remembered Morning Prayer this time!
  • Wrote out notes to clergy and spouses with November birthdays and anniversaries. (I only hope they can read them; my handwriting is not what it used to be!)
  • Met, along with the Archdeacon, with the Bishop's Warden and Treasurer from St Michael's, O'Fallon in connection with the process of calling their next Vicar.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Conceived and hatched a sermon for November 13, when I'm at St Thomas' in Salem.
  • Went online to reserve a rental car for when we're in Florida for a preaching mission the week after next (followed by three days of R&R).
  • Wrote my "From the Bishop" article for the November edition of the Springfield Current.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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