
  • Task planning (always more complex on Tuesdays) at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed on several matters relating to our recent diocesan synod with the Administrator and the Archdeacon.
  • Took a phone call from the rector-elect of Trinity, Lincoln concerning various details of the beginning of his ministry (Advent).
  • Took a phone call from the Rector's Warden of one of our parishes regarding an administrative/pastoral matter.
  • Gave written consent to the resignation of the Bishop of Ecuador Central. (If you know the back story here, you know it's a sad one.)
  • Followed up with the Archdeacon with an administrative matter regarding one of our clergy.
  • Processed about a half dozen emails.
  • Lunch at home (from McDonalds--a McRib ... available for a limited time only!)
  • Finished and refined the drafts of four sermons: the three I'll give at Redeemer, Sarasota as part of my All Saints preaching mission, and the one I'll give in Pekin and Morton the following Sunday.
  • Took care of my 2012 medical insurance plan enrollment. Never as easy as it should be.
  • Conceived and hatched a sermon for Christ the King Sunday, to be given at St Andrew's, Edwardsville.
  • Fleshed out a draft of a homily for Proper 28 (St Thomas', Salem).
  • It was already 6pm as I was leaving the office. Intended to do Evening Prayer in my car while driving home (the memorized short form, of course), but this one got by me.


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