Friday (S.I.J. Schereshrewsky)

  • Usual routine at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took care of some more odds and ends relating to synod.
  • Processed about a half dozen emails that were in the queue.
  • Finished creating Power Point slides for my synod address. (Don't go running into the night screaming--they're practically all pictures. I'm well aware of abuse-by-PowerPoint, and endeavor not to commit that sin.)
  • Lunch at home (from Popeye's).
  • Fleshed out working notes for my second clergy day address for my Sarasota preaching mission.
  • Put some more meat on the bones of my homily for the 23rd (Granite City and Glen Carbon).
  • Trolled YouTube in search of hymns. Strange to say, but this is actually a form of prayer for me.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Left a tad early so as to be able to get a walk in before dark.


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