
  • Task planning at home (record number of actions on the docket this week!).
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on sundry administrative matters (lots to discuss after a thirteen day absence from the office).
  • Met with the Board of Trustees for the diocese, the group that oversees the investment of our endowment and reserve funds.
  • Met with chancellor Rick Velde around various (non-emergent) issues.
  • Worked through the pile of snail mail on my desk.
  • Lunch from Taco Gringo, eaten at home.
  • Wrote a note to a colleague bishop whose wife is seriously ill.
  • Checked in by phone with a priest of the diocese who has recently had a serious medical procedure.
  • Spoke by phone with one of our rectors regarding the health of one of our retired priests who is connected to his parish.
  • Took a reference check phone call from a search committee chair outside the diocese; one of our clergy is a finalist in that person's parish search process.
  • Dashed off an article on the Festival of Lessons and Carols requested by the managing editor of The Living Church.
  • Wrote three short but important emails having to do with my January travel plans (going to England for some continuing ed at Canterbury Cathedral--a program for new bishops that is offered there).
  • Spoke with Dean Brodie next door at the cathedral at some length over various matters.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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