St John

  • Task planning at home. Said goodbye to Kid #3 and spouse as they continue their holiday sojourn to Tennessee. Deposited Kid #1 at SPI for her return to NYC, hoping United doesn't lose her luggage again. (Kid #2 and family drove back home to Chicago last night, and arrived safely.) Morning Prayer in the car (memorized short form).
  • Handled some minor administrative chores.
  • Processed a batch of emails in my inbox.
  • Wrote a (hard copy) letter to the Bishop's Warden of one of our Eucharistic Communities regarding an administrative matter.
  • Refined my sermon for this Sunday (St Paul's Cathedral).
  • Lunch at home.
  • Hand-wrote greetings to clergy and spouses with birthdays/anniversaries in January and early February.
  • Routine Tuesday hard-copy scanning chores, which prompted an email exchange regarding a tentative date for an ordination in June.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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