Tuesday (William Laud)

  • Usual routine. Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Got started processing the accumulated items in my hard-copy inbox, and ended the day just finishing the same thing before going off to get my hair cut. In the meantime, I had several short conferences with the Archdeacon, substantive phone conversations with two rectors, a priest from outside the diocese requesting my help with something, a potential candidate for one of our vacant clergy positions, the Bishop's Warden of one of our vacant cures, and a member of the Bishop's Committee of one of our missions. So I guess the day was productive, though I don't have much to show for it by way of checked-off tasks.
  • In the evening, out to dinner with Brenda and an old clergy friend who is in the area looking at another of our vacant positions (not one of those alluded to above). 


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