Thursday (St Polycarp)

  • Task planning at home, Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Spent the entire morning and most of the afternoon either processing emails or dealing with details surrounding the call of a new priest to the diocese. Included in the emails was a message from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music regarding lections for Holy Week, which is a somewhat vexed subject, since there are some conflicts between the Revised Common Lectionary and the Prayer Book. This is a subject in which I have more than a little bit of interest, so I invested some time analyzing the differences between RCL and the 1979 lectionary and mentally preparing to make recommendations to the clergy of the diocese.
  • Prepared--liturgically, homiletically, administratively, and presidentially (in that I'm chairing the meeting)  for tomorrow's quarterly gathering of the Diocesan Council.
  • Revised the ongoing working draft of my sermon for Lent II (St John's, Decatur).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Attended a reception and presentation sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Springfield featuring Orli Gil, Israeli Consul General in Chicago.


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