
  • Task planning at home, Morning Prayer in the cathedral, but the latter delayed by a phone calls from two mortgage lenders, since I put the word out in cyberspace yesterday that I'm considering refinancing our home loan. This happened a couple of more times through the day. The good news is, the conversations are turning out to be fruitful.
  • Brief administrative chores, and some less brief replies to a stack of emails--stuff that's neither particularly major nor particularly minor, just real people needing some real attention from me, even if brief, to some real needs. I'm not complaining.
  • Worked on "packaging" the first batch of names to send to a search committee.
  • Lunch with the Dean, talking about Holy Week services in the cathedral, in which I will take a major part.
  • Drafted an email to the widest diocesan list we have informing those who have not yet heard of the death Sunday of Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti and his wife. (They were stabbed to death by their son. Tragic.) Springfield has had a companion relationship with Bishop Cavalcanti's Diocese of Recife (now part of the Province of the Southern Cone). 
  • Finished preparations for tomorrow night's opening session of the Lenten teaching series I am giving in Alton Parish.
  • Hand wrote greetings to clergy and spouses with March birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Usual Tuesday scanning and processing of hard copy materials.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • After dinner, a substantial phone conversation with a potential candidate for one of our vacancies.


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