Friday (St Chad)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took a first pass at Session Three of my Lenten teaching series in Alton (probably 75% done, ready to be fleshed out and refined the day before the event). See here for a video of the first session this past Wednesday.
  • Sundry "administrivia" (a word I learned from a Canadian colleague earlier this week, and which is eminently useful).
  • Lunch at home.
  • Took a broad look at my Sunday homilies for the Easter season: Looked at appointed readings, considered the venues, looked at old sermons for material that might be reworked or adapted, plotted the appropriate tasks for the appropriate weeks and days.
  • Planned out the day I will spend next week with three transitional deacons, where we will talk about the planning and practice of liturgy.
  • Prepared and sent an email message regarding the ordination process.
  • Plotted and scheduled the various chores I will need to take care of in preparation for the annual Chrism Mass (Liturgy of Collegiality) on Tuesday in Holy Week.
  • Friday prayer: Ignatian meditation on the call of Levi in Mark, and the following dialogue about dining with "tax collectors and sinners."
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Dinner with Brenda at Culver's (yes, I'm a big spender!), followed by Iron Lady at one of the local cinemas. Meryl Streep deserves every ounce of the Oscar she carried home last Sunday night.


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