Thursday (St James DeKoven)

  • Got going just a teeny bit slowly this morning, given my late arrival from a trip last night. Morning Prayer, eventually, in the cathedral, after debriefing with the Diocesan Administrator over an ... administrative situation that has gotten a trifle sticky.
  • Plowed through the stack of snail mail on my desk, and did my usual weekly scanning chores.
  • Took a phone call from one of our clergy over another "sticky" administrative/pastoral situation.
  • Worked on the final session of my Lenten series in Alton, which happens next Wednesday. 
  • Had a phone conversation with yet another parish priest over yet another sticky administrative/pastoral situation. It was one of those days.
  • Lunch from La Bamba ("Burritos as Big As Your Head!"), eaten at home.
  • Got a haircut.
  • Processed an extraordinarily long stack of emails, clearing some on the spot, creating future tasks for others.
  • After dinner, packed for tomorrow's trip to Orlando for the consecration of the next Bishop of Central Florida on Saturday.


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