
  • Usual routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debrief with the Archdeacon over a couple of pastoral-administrative concerns that remain in play.
  • Finished my working outline for tomorrow nights third installment of my Lenten teaching series in Alton.
  • Met with Deacon Dr Tom Langford, Chair of the Commission on Ministry. to discuss both general and specific issues regarding the work of the body and the formation of ordinands.
  • Lunch at home (Brenda has perfected Cincinnati-style chili and then taken it to yet another level of delicious).
  • Worked on several upcoming sermons, all at various stages of gestation: Palm Sunday, the Chrism Mass (aka Liturgy of Collegiality), Good Friday, and Easter.
  • Usual weekly scanning chores.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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