Wednesday (St Perpetua & Her Companions)

  • Task planning at home; Morning Prayer in my office.
  • Processed several emails (requiring substantive attention).
  • Conferred with the Archdeacon and the Administrator regarding a "situation" in one of our parishes.
  • Met with Fr Gene Stormer regarding two of the "hats" he wears: Canon Pastor (to the clergy) and Chair of Ecumenical Relations.
  • Lunch in the office (from TG).
  • Finished prep for tonight's presentation in Alton.
  • Took a phone call from Ruth Wene, Rector's Warden at St John's Chapel, Champaign regarding some technical details of their search process.
  • Worked on transportation arrangements and registration for the second annual installment of the Living Our Vows program (aka "Baby Bishops School") in May.
  • Began the preparation process for a homily that won't be preached until the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Seems a little OCD, I realize, but not so much when you factor in the amount of traveling I'll be doing between now and that time.
  • Reviewed my April visitation schedule and made a few planning notes.
  • Left the office around 4pm, stopped by the house to pick up Brenda, and drove to St Paul's, Alton for Mass, supper, and the second of five presentations on Patterns of Ministry (tonight: The Mark of Ministry: Baptism). Available soon on YouTube.
  • Home around 10pm


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