
  • Usual morning routine; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Finished preparing for tonight's final Lenten series presentation in Alton.
  • Worked some on a General Convention resolution that some colleague bishops and I are planning to submit.
  • Usual weekly desk clearing/scanning chores.
  • Explored options and made a key decision about service music for next week's Chrism Mass.
  • Lunch from China 1, eaten in the office.
  • Refined my homily for this Sunday (St Paul's Cathedral).
  • Refined my homily for the Chrism Mass (next Tuesday).
  • Took care of some calendar-related administrivia.
  • Left for Alton, filling the gas tank of my vehicle first, and stopping by home to pick up Brenda.
  • Joined in Stations of the Cross at St Paul's, enjoyed the last of five Lenten soup suppers, and then gave my final teaching presentation on Patterns of Ministry.
  • Home around 10.


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