
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on sundry matters.
  • Met with Norm Taylor (St Paul's Cathedral) in his role as chair of World Mission, in connection with forming a team to assess our diocesan companion relationships.
  • Processed a batch of emails.
  • Met with the Department of General Mission Strategy (DGMS) at 11. This lasted until about 12:45.
  • Met with Fr Tucker regarding some Eastern Deanery matters.
  • Dashed down to TG to picked up some lunch. Back to the office in time to eat it in front of Kathy Moore, with whom I had a 1:30 appointment to discuss Youth Department concerns.
  • Took a phone call from a member of the DGMS wanting to debrief a bit on the meeting.
  • Took a long phone call from a priest outside the diocese on two unrelated but substantive concerns.
  • Placed a phone order with Wippel's for some new starched cotton collars.
  • Gave birth to a draft of my homily for Easter V (Emmanuel, Champaign).
  • Short form of Evening Prayer in the car, as it was already past six.


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