Friday (St Bede)

  • Checked out of the Hilton Garden in Oconomowoc in time for 8am Morning Prayer & Mass at Nashotah. Breakfast in the refectory.
  • Met with the trustees until 3pm (with a break for lunch). It was a productive and positive meeting. The House faces many challenges, but I believe we are well-positioned to meet them. Because Bishop Salmon is now serving as Dean and President on a sort of "temporarily permanent" basis, he could not continue as board chairman, a position in which he has served with distinction for many years. That lot fell to YFNB. It was not unexpected, but is nonetheless sobering. Of your charity, please spare me a regular prayer.
  • Headed south in my rental car, exchanging it for my own vehicle at Blooming-Normal airport. Home just before nine o'clock.
  • 4096 steps


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