
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • This was one of those days when it felt inordinately difficult to get traction; lots of distractions and interruptions (mostly via email).
  • Took my first prayerful look at the readings for the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, which falls on a Sunday this year, when I just happen to be visiting St John te Baptist, Mount Carmel. It's fun to preach on a text I've never worked with homiletically before.
  • Met with a retired priest of the diocese in regard to possibilities for continued service in retirement.
  • Lunch from LaBamba, eaten at home.
  • Worked on the website. Actually made some satisfying progress. The reason this is taking so long is that everybody involved with it has a "day job," so it just gets done piecemeal. Do be patient.
  • Took a 20 minute walk around the neighborhood.
  • Negotiated with our three transitional deacons for another day of liturgical formation. Now on the calendar.
  • Recruited, by email, members of an ad hoc team to reevaluate our companion diocese relationships and prepare recommendations.
  • Prayed the Glorious Mysteries of the rosary.
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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