
  • I had the pleasure of presiding at the 11am Celebration of a New Ministry for Fr Tony Clavier as Vicar of St Thomas', Glen Carbon and St Bartholomew's, Granite City--at Glen Carbon. Particularly gratified by the turnout of clergy; it speaks well for collegiality in the diocese.
  • Following the reception, Brenda hitched a ride back to Springfield with Fr Matt (preacher for the occasion) and Leslie Gunter, while I visited for a bit with Fr Clavier at his vicarage. I then pointed the YFNBmobile eastward on I-64. Since I was making good time, I paused in Mt Vernon to take in a movie (Prometheus) and dinner (popcorn shrimp at Wild Wings). 
  •  On the way to my hotel reservation in Grayville (right on I-64 just before it crosses the Wabash River into Indiana), I swung by McLeansboro to check in on St James' Church, which we have sold to a local historic preservation group with the understanding that they were going to restore and maintain it as a community center. It doesn't appear that they've gotten going on the project yet. The building has not been deconsecrated, because part of the sales contract is that we have access to it on any occasion when we might want to hold a service in the future. The building was dedicated by George Seymour, first Bishop of Springfield. 
  • Settled in at Grayville around 9pm.


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