Thursday (St Basil)

  • Up early for my now customary Thursday morning workout. (Also happens most Saturdays and Mondays.)
  • Morning Prayer (memorized short form) in the car on the way to the office. Anxious about things needing to be done before getting back in the car.
  • Reviewed three different pressing administrative matters with the Archdeacon. Good progress on all counts.
  • Back in the bishopmobile at 10:15, arriving at St Matthew's, Bloomington at 11:30. Lunch and tour of greater Bloomington with Frs Halt and Francis as we discussed ways the mission strategy vision might play out in McLean County.
  • Met with a potential aspirant for diaconal ordination.
  • Headed back south, pulling into my parking spot a little past 4.
  • Discussed yet more administrative concerns with the Archdeacon, answered a couple of emails and listened to a voice mail message.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • In the evening, wrote a substantive blog post on General Convention issues.


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