
  • Up for a 7:30-9:00 committee meeting. (See here for a summary of the day's business.)
  • Met with the other signers of the contentious amicus curiae brief to craft our collective response to the letter from the bishops of Quincy and Fort Worth, and arranged for it to be distributed.
  • Legislative session from 11:15 to 12:45.
  • Joined the Bishop of South Carolina for an impromptu lunch in one of the food court areas of the convention center.
  • Back to Committee 13 between 2:00 and 4:00, and legislative session from 4:30 until 6:30.
  • Rushed down Washington Street for a drinks and hors d'ouevres event sponsored by The Living Church, at which it was my joy to serve as a panelist in a very lively discussion.
  • Back to my room around 9:00, whereupon I had to study and make some notes for the meeting of my subcommittee on the proposed daily prayer rites.
  • "Soon, soon to faithful warriors cometh rest."


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