The Lord's Day (VI Pentecost)

  • 7:30 am meeting of the subcommittee of Committee 13 that I co-chair, now tasked with "perfecting" a collection of daily prayer resources that are intended to be more accessible than the Prayer Book daily office. We ran long, and didn't quite finish.
  • Dashed back to my room to change into cassock, rochet, chimere, and (of course!) biretta. Felt a little strange getting into an elevator all decked out, and sharing it with somebody clearly not associated with the convention. I couldn't help myself from saying, "I'm sorry. I know I look weird." (!)
  • Processed in with the other bishops for the principal Eucharist of General Convention. As hotel ballroom liturgies go, it wasn't bad. The music was spectacularly good.
  • Wandered across the street with Brenda and two visitors to the convention to the AAA minor league ballpark where the Diocese of Indianapolis was hosting a bit of an extravaganza, with free food (OK, freewill offerings encouraged--they probably collected more than they would have if they'd charged) and carnival-style entertainment. Blessedly, it was only 90, and not 105 as it's been the last several days.
  •  Back to legislative session at 2:15 (beginning, as is the custom, with a private meeting of the House of Bishops, this one lasting over an hour). We were all grateful that the calendar of resolutions was light today (apparently, the committees aren't being productive enough), which allowed for early adjournment, and an expensive visit to the C.M. Almy exhibit. (I needed some "stuff.") See here for what we accomplished.
  • After a bit of down time in the room, we headed out to a tasty dinner with the Springfield deputation at a Brazilian churrascaria about nine blocks down Washington Street. Yum.

Pictured here after the Eucharist, with the Revd Scott Gunn, Executive Director of Forward Movement.


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