- Up at 6:15, aiming toward a 7:30 committee meeting. I'm accumulating a sleep deficit that is on its way toward becoming impressive.
- The morning committee session began with a hearing on B009, Authorize Use of 1979 Lectionary. As the author of this resolution, I was given an opportunity to address this as a witness. One "expert" witness (a former member of SCLM) showed up to speak in opposition.
- We then had a long discussion of the rules for tonight's marquee hearing on A049, which authorizes the same-sex blessing rites.
- After the committee meeting, I returned to my room for a nap--much needed--and to work a little more on my contribution to the subcommittee's work on the daily prayer supplement. Here's my personal summary of what we accomplished today.
- Over to the House of Bishops for an 11:15-12:45 legislative session. Carry-in lunch with the Communion Partner bishops in the hotel suite of one of our number. We needed to plot a little strategy for when the same-sex blessing resolution reaches the floor (not likely until at least Tuesday).
- We've reached the point in convention when the time allocation begins to shift. There was no afternoon committee time today, but an over four hour legislative session from 2:15 until 6:30. I seem to have gotten over my rookie fear of speaking at such events, because it felt like I was on my feet with a microphone in my hand with some frequency. It's actually a much less intimidating procedure than it is in the House of Deputies.
- There wasn't even time for dinner at that point, as I had to then take my place at a table in the front of a large ballroom (several hundred chairs) for a hearing on A049, which is the enabling resolution for the same-sex marriage rite. We heard alternating witnesses pro and con for an hour, then switched to specific comments and suggestions on the liturgical text itself. We ran through that list quickly, and re-opened the floor to the pro and con speakers, but apparently all the remaining "con" speakers had left the building by that point.
- My considerate wife had pre-ordered a carry-out dinner from the TGI Friday's in front of the hotel, which I enjoyed in the lobby while members of the Springfield deputation showed up for a little dessert and wine social event. It was good to see them, as our daily routines don't permit much contact.
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