
  • Another 7:30 committee meetings--and there will be yet one more. To my chagrin, they rejected my resolution to authorize the 1979 lectionary, but this was overturned by the House of Bishops in the afternoon. We also cranked out the rites for pastoral care around "beloved animals" and the daily prayer services my subcommittee has worked on. My motion to discharge the latter so they can be properly finished by people with the time to do it was defeated.
  • Once again, the opportunity for some down time between the morning committee meeting and the 11:15 (until 1:00 this time) legislative session was greatly welcome.
  • See here for the highlights of the legislative day.
  • Met with the Communion Partner bishops over lunch to hammer out a minority report on the same-sex marriage resolution that has now passed both houses. We will read this statement into the record sometime tomorrow.
  • Usual marathon afternoon session. We adjourned just in time to step into the gallery of the House of Deputies to watch the final vote on A049. Grim.
  • Dinner was at Morton's, sponsored by Nashotah House. We (meaning Nashotah) have a lot of fences to mend in all directions.


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