St Bartholomew

  • In the office at the usual time. Went straight to prepping for the 10am Diocesan Council Eucharist. Able to draw off what I had already worked on for Sunday at St Bart's, Granite City in pulling together a homily. This, in turn, will help me with my Granite City prep. Synergy!
  • Just time for an abbreviated morning office while seated at my desk before heading to the cathedral sacristy to get ready for Mass.
  • Following the Holy Mysteries, we convened the regular quarterly meeting of the Diocesan Council. It was productive on many fronts, not the least of which was getting the proposed 2013 budget passed and ready for approval at Synod next month. Springfield is a lean diocese, staff-wise and program-wise, but, within that context, I am more than pleased with the state of our financial health. And we're still managing to do some remarkable things.
  • Lunch at the Dublin Pub with Fr Halt, wearing his Spiritual Vitality Team hat and his rector-of-parish-hosting-synod had. 
  • Met with Fr Mark Evans, rector of Lincoln, to discuss the details of my visit to Trinity Church next weekend.
  • Surveyed the Sunday homily landscape for the next three months, and created the appropriate tasks to show up in my system on the appropriate days.
  • Did an Ignatian-style mediation on the gospel passage appointed for St Bartholomew's Day (the Johannine passage where Jesus meets Nathaniel).
  • Evening Prayer in the office.


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