St Matthew, Apostle & Evangelist

  • Email processing at home. Up and out at the usual hour.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Called and spoke briefly with Mother Virginia Bennett, rector of St Andrew's, Edwardsville. She fell and broke her leg two days ago, and is still in a St Louis hospital.
  • Wrote a check from my discretionary fund for a member of the cathedral congregation who is participating in the anti-hunger Church World Service-sponsored CROP Walk. 
  • Tried once again unsuccessfully to resolve my sole remaining technical difficulty from my changeover to the world of Macintosh, which is that I can't get my new laptop to connect wirelessly to the printer in Sue's office (i.e. the only one available to me). But I'm nothing if not tenacious, and will solve this.
  • Took a call--finally--from Church Publishing regarding yesterday's technical issue. The answer was hidden in a very non-intuitive place. Bad site design.
  • Worked on my working outline for tomorrow's marathon seminar (Part 2 of 2) at St Thomas;, Salem. Stay tuned for video.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Continued work on tomorrow's seminar. I believe it's ready for prime time.
  • Put some major meat on the bones of the homily I will give at Bruce DeGooyer's ordination to the priesthood on October 4 (yes, on St Francis' Day, and, yes, the sermon does mention animals).
  • Made some air travel arrangements for one upcoming trip and lodging arrangements for another. October and November will both be busy travel months.
  • Friday prayer time: Ignatian-style discursive meditation on the daily office gospel for the feast of St Matthew.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral. 


  1. I can sympathize with you, Bishop, about Mac laptops and wireless printers. We were trying to set this up recently in our parish office and the "specialist" sent out to deal with it was defeated. The "super specialist" replacing him was almost defeated, then the connection mysteriously sprang to life. He confessed to me privately that he had absolutely no idea how or why it suddenly began to work. "Might have been a miracle," he mused. There is more than one sermon here, I suspect.


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