
  • Beginning-of-work-week task planning at home; Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Consulted with Treasurer Jim Donkin on a couple of administrative matters related to diocesan finances.
  • Had a phone conversation with Fr Roderick, chair of the Department of General Mission Strategy, in advance of Thursday's meeting of the DGMS, which I will not be able to attend.
  • Created a rough draft of my homily for September 16, which will be delivered at Trinity, Mattoon.
  • Refined and finalized the draft of my homily for this coming Sunday, at Trinity, Mt Vernon.
  • Made some substantive progress in planning the details of the Synod Mass.
  • Lunch from China 1, eaten at home.
  • Took care of some Nashotah House-related business.
  • More work on the Synod Mass.
  • Processed a couple of emails and handled some administrivia.
  • Plunged into the preparation process for the diocesan ECW retreat I am privileged to be conducting next February. Got as far as deciding on a theme.
  • Put some significant meat on the bones of my working outline for Session II of "Proclaiming the Good News 101" (September 22, at St Thomas', Salem).
  • Spoke by phone with Ann Wilt, Bishop's Warden for St Michael's, O'Fallon, regarding the details of my September 30 visitation.
  • Took my first prayerful and reflective look at the readings for Proper 23 (Redeemer, Cairo and St Stephen's, Harrisburg).
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


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