Friday (Alfred the Great)

  • Checked out of the Hilton Garden Oconomowoc and on campus in time for 8am Morning Prayer and Mass.
  • Looked at the high-card breakfast buffet in the refectory and decided to make a quick run into Delafield for some animal protein, accompanied by a fellow trustee who is also diabetic and so had the same need.
  • Participated in the ceremonial rehearsal for the 10:30 fall Academic Convocation.
  • Participated in the event by awarding the honorary degree to our distinguished guest, Metropolitan Hilarion Aleyev, top assistant to the Patriarch of Moscow. In addition to several published theological works, he is an accomplished musician and composer. He then proceeded to deliver a captivating lecture on "J.S. Bach as a Religious Phenomenon." I was once a scholar of music, so this appealed to a part of me that doesn't get to come out and play very often.
  • Visited with students, faculty, alumni, trustees, and visitors over a buffet lunch in the refectory, then took my leave of the House for this season and headed home. Got back to Springfield around 6:30pm.


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