St James of Jerusalem

  • Took an incoming phone call while eating breakfast from a colleague bishop who has some helpful and particular insights into the sad South Carolina situation.
  • Morning Prayer in the office.
  • Usual Tuesday catch-up with the Archdeacon and the Administrator.
  • Substantive phone conversations with the Dean of Nashotah House and the Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees over an emerging issue ahead of tomorrow meeting of the board.
  • Dashed off a pastoral email to one of our clergy.
  • Produced and refined a working script for this Sunday's homily at St Barnabas, Havana.
  • Took care of some administrivia.
  • Lunch from TG, eaten at home.
  • Worked from home for the afternoon, mostly processing emails and making phone calls.
  • Took a brisk walk around the neighborhood.
  • Packed and headed north at 5pm. While en route to Oconomowoc, WI, held five phone interviews with candidates for the position at St John the Divine, Champaign. It sure makes the drive time seem faster. 
  • Check in at the Hilton Garden around 10.


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