St Luke the Evangelist

  • Got to the office and was immediately distracted by conversations with the Archdeacon and the Administrator. Managed to slip into the cathedral for a few minutes of private devotions, but Morning Prayer drew the short straw today. It happens.
  • Produced a semi-rough draft of a sermon for All Saints (observed on November 4), to be delivered at St Andrew's, Carbondale.
  • Processed a largish batch of emails. 
  • Lunch at home (grilled panini sandwich made from sprouted grain bread, smoked turkey, sliced parmesan cheese, and Thai peanut sauce).
  • Worked on a Letter of Understanding between a particular vestry and a particular rector.
  • Produced a tentative version of my 2013 visitation calendar. Sue will make sure I've covered all the bases and make it public soon.
  • Took a late afternoon/early evening phone call from an old clergy friend who wanted to process the developments in the Diocese of South Carolina. Evening Prayer fell by the wayside, as it was already almost 6:30.
  • Took some time in the evening to write a preliminary response to the South Carolina developments.


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