The Lord's Day: XX Pentecost

Woke up in Marion (which is, in fact, where I had gone to bed, so that's a good thing!). Headed east to Harrisburg in plenty of time to preside and preach at the regular 10am Mass At St Stephen's. Very nice potluck afterward, featuring roast pork and BBQ sauce. (Oh, the bread pudding deserves an honorable mention as well.) St Stephen's is one of those communities where I don't lower the average age when I walk in; it's not a large group, but they have a good proportion of younger folks.

Larry Black, husband of Mother Sherry Black, who takes care of St James', Marion, has recently learned of an adverse development in his health that brings with it a challenging prognosis. So I leveraged my presence in the area to have a visit with both of them in their home. Through the sacrament of Unction, we consecrated Larry's illness to be a tool at God's disposal in the manifestation of His redemptive grace. Do hold them in your prayers.

I arrived home around 4:15. Let the sabbath begin.


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