The Lord's Day (XX Pentecost)

Up in time to have all four wheels on the YFNBmobile out of the garage while the digital clock still read 6:00am. Rolled into Edwardsville a little earlier than expected--around 7:20--in plenty of time for the first Mass of two at St Andrew's Church. It was a straight Rite I with no music, which I found oddly comforting, given that it was part of my routine for two decades, and now is a relative rarity. The principal celebration, a sung Rite II, was lively and well-attended. Both coffee hours demonstrated the warmt of the parishioners and gave testimony to the fine work Mother Virginia Bennett has done there over the last 17 years. Father George Pence is doing a fine job holding things together there while the rector, Mother Bennett, recovers from a nasty fall and fractured leg. 
After a stop in Litchfield for lunch at Brenda's favorite eatery, Ruby Tuesday, we arrived home at 2:30. Nap, walk, lots of rest.


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