Thursday (St Francis of Assisi)

  • Up and out for three mile brisk walk at 6:45
  • Started in on task list at home while waiting for breakfast to cook (some Nashotah-related business)
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Processed some detritus from the Forward Movement board meeting (some very interesting detritus, that is, which I expect may eventually have a large footprint in this diocese).
  • Produced a working outline for my homily this coming Sunday at St Lawrence, Effingham.
  • Finished a first draft of a sermon for Proper 24 (October 21 at St Andrew's, Edwardsville).
  • Worked on the liturgy booklet for the synod Eucharist.
  • Lunch from La Bamba, eaten at home.
  • Continued work on the liturgy booklet for the synod Eucharist. The job took me down some unexpected rabbit holes, but it got finished.
  • Left at 3:45 for Bloomington, with Brenda and the Archdeacon accompanying me.
  • Arrived at St Matthew's in time for a 5:15 rehearsal and a 6:30 liturgy at which we ordained Bruce De Gooyer to the priesthood.
  • Left Bloomington at 9, which put us back in the garage just before 10:30.


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