
  • Morning Prayer at home,
  • With the exception of of about 20 minutes spent in a pastoral phone conversation with a priest from outside the diocese, my entire morning (until 12:30) was devoted to processing some 30+ emails that had accumulated while I was out of town.
  • After lunch at home, in the office a little before 2.
  • Debriefed with the Archdeacon on sundry emerging concerns.
  • Consulted with the Administrator on various details regarding the upcoming diocesan synod and a clergy/musicians conference in November.
  • Cleared the "snail mail" off my desk and processed some materials I brought back with me from Cincinnati.
  • Took a phone call on some Nashotah House-related business.
  • Assembled, prepared, and sent (electronically) materials on four more potential candidates to the search committee chair at St John the Divine, Champaign.
  • Completed and refined my sermon for tomorrow night's ordination of Bruce DeGooyer to the priesthood.
  • Evening Prayer (memorized short form) in the car on the way home.


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