
Absent from this space for several days. Here's the summary:
  • Monday and Tuesday: At the Diocese of Central Florida's conference center near Orlando with six other bishops and three rectors from the loose fellowship known as Communion partners. We produced a statement, which you can see here, and made several other plans as well.
  • Yesterday morning was spend regrouping at home--weight and treadmill workout, assorted emails. In the afternoon, we headed for Chicago. Had dinner with daughter Summer and her family, then headed to the Lyric Opera of Chicago for a splendid production of Massanet's Werther.
  • Today was supposed to be a "play day" in Chicago, but I spend the morning taking my "share in the councils of the church" by way of last-ditch attempts at intervention to forestall the cataclysm of the loss of the Diocese of South Carolina to the Episcopal Church. Brenda and I then enjoyed lunch downtown and a couple of hours at the Chicago Art Institute, which we always love.
  • Tomorrow it is out to the suburbs for a cameo appearance at the convention of the Diocese of Chicago, then back home to Springfield.


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