Wednesday (St Willibrord)

  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Attended by internet and phone to a pastoral matter.
  • Walked to Illinois National Bank to deposit my paycheck. Could have driven? Yes? Why did I walk? Because it's all about racking up steps on my pedometer.
  • Conceived and hatched a homily for the feast of Christ the King, at the parish of Christ the King in Normal, on November 25.
  • Lunch at home.
  • Conferred with Walt Knowles, an old friend from college and priest of the Diocese of Olympia, who is in town to lead our upcoming conference for clergy and musicians.
  • Participated in a conference call with other leaders of a Communion Partners event next week in Florida.
  • Ground out a rough draft for the above-mentioned sermon.
  • Left at 4:00 for Champaign, where I had a dinner engagement with the Rector's Warden of Emmanuel Church and his wife, then a 7pm congregational meeting to discuss transitional issues.
  • Home around 9:45.


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