Thursday (St Lucy)

  • As is becoming a Thursday habit, I began the day with a weight and treadmill workout (which I also try to do on Saturdays and Mondays).
  • Processed a bunch of emails while at home.
  • Morning Prayer at home.
  • In the office around 9:30, where, in addition to fleshing out the skeleton of a sermon for Advent IV (Christ Church, Springfield), I spent most of the rest of the day writing two fairly long and substantive letters (emails, actually) that come generally under the category of pastoral care--one to a cleric and one to a layperson, both in the diocese. Both addressed decisions I have made that these individuals and others have found upsetting. Both required a good bit of thought and very careful wording. It would be tempting to think that, with all the demands on my time and attention, it was "wasteful" to spend as much time as I did addressing the concerns of only two individuals. Perhaps. But I had a good feeling afterward. I felt like I was actually doing my job, for whatever that's worth.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.


  1. Bishop Daniel -- Certainly this time you took to address concerns of those of our Diocese would not be thought "wasteful" by anyone!

    Kathie Schmitt, Danville


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