
We had a wonderful time with the clergy and people of Holy Communion, Charleston over the weekend. I preached at both Masses yesterday and celebrated the principal liturgy, which included the baptism of a 10-week old little girl. What a joy that is.

Holy Communion is one of the parishes in the Diocese of South Carolina where there seems to be a consensus toward remaining in the Episcopal Church even as the diocese itself has formally departed. It is a painful place to be, since they love their bishop and the web of relationships they have with the diocese. My job was to be an encouraging presence. a sign that they are not alone in their awkward place.

Brenda and I are now going to enjoy a three day mini-vacation here in Charleston and its environs (and enjoying the beautiful and unseasonable days in the 70s!). We fly home on Thursday. Appropriately, then, this space will go dark during that time.


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