Ash Wednesday

  • Task organizing and some email processing at home.
  • Morning Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Took care of last-minute physical preparation for the liturgies of the day in the cathedral (making sure the right books are in the right place and marked the right way, thinking through the choreography).
  • Got to work producing a first draft of this Sunday's sermon (again at the cathedral).
  • Presided and preached at the 12:15pm Ash Wednesday liturgy.
  • Finished writing the sermon I had been working on before Mass.
  • Took care of banking errand on foot (need to rack up the steps on the pedometer). Twisted my ankle on the way back to the office. It seems like a relatively minor injury.
  • Placed an order by phone for some starched cotton clergy collars from J. Wippel.
  • Had a conversation with the Archdeacon over some short-term clergy deployment issues. Wrote a followup email.
  • Took a phone call from one of our priests regarding some transition issues.
  • Did the rough planning for the first session of my Lenten teaching series at St Matthew's, Bloomington.
  • Took a phone call from a local reporter asking my thoughts on the "Ashes to Go" phenomenon.
  • Surveyed and made some preliminary notes on the readings for the Second Sunday of Easter.
  • Evening Prayer in the cathedral.
  • Drove home for some brief down time before grabbing Brenda and heading back to the cathedral for the evening liturgy.
  • Presided and preached at the evening Mass. Got to sing "Just as I am", which is one of my personal Ash Wednesday standbys.
  • Met, separately, with two cathedral members after the service over some pastoral concerns.


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